Snow Clearance Contractors - Case Study
Whilst settling snow is not an issue in most winters for the Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Essex regions, service users look for a snow clearance ability when selecting from the many winter maintenance companies available.
Whilst salting/gritting can be effective in the removal of small amounts of snow there comes a point where unless the snow is ploughed or removed first gritting becomes ineffective.

The image to the left was taken around 07:30 in the morning after a snowy 24 hours.
During the night we attended the site and ploughed the snow to one side of the access road up a steep hill whilst spreading salt on the now clear area.
This made sure that the care home in the top left of the picture was able to maintain important access for carers and emergency staff throughout the night.
Why we use 4x4s
Having a 4 wheel drive vehicle fitted with the right type of tyres is vital when the roads may be snow covered. Whilst we are unable to respond to individual requests for rescue when it snows we will never leave someone stuck if we are going past. One snowy night alone resulted in several HGV's, cars and vans all being freed by our 4x4s including a transit gritter belonging to a competitor!

A large number of providers rely on sub-contractors for most of their snow ploughing needs, we don't! All of our gritters can be fitted with a plough when required. This means we are not reliant on anyone but our dependable staff to keep our customers open for business.